Pachliopta adamas (Zinken, 1831)


Habitat: Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland
This species occurs on several Indonesian islands, therefore it is likely to naturally thrive in the tropical rainforest habitat that covers most of these. The host plant is thought to be one or many species of the Aristolochiaceae genera Thottea and Aristolochia , the Asian genera of the birthwort family of plants (Vane-Wright and de Jong 2003). These plants reproduce by cross-pollination, as well as self-pollination, and they emit a putrid smell. The plants grow in the tropical rainforests of Asia and are thought to be collected for use in medicine.

(IUCN 2020)

Population: This species is found on several Indonesian islands, however more specific data on population is unavailable.
Range: This species is found in Indonesia, specifically on the islands of Java (e.g. subspecies adamas ), Bawean (e.g. subspecies probus ), Kangean (e.g. subspecies antissa ), Tanahjampea (subspecies agricola ), Enggano and the western Lesser Sunda islands, from Bali (subspecies balinus ) and Lombok (subspecies lombockensis ) to Flores (subspecies floresianus ) (Vane-Wright and de Jong 2003, Jan Moonen pers. comm. February 2019). It is also reported as present on the island of Pulau Kayuadi, where the available specimens (from the ZMA collection, held in Naturalis) were collected prior to 1940 (Moonen 2016). Its estimated extent of occurrence is in excess of 540,000 km2.
(IUCN 2020)

Occurrence and observation maps

Map of Life


  • IUCN. 2020. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2020-3. Available at: (Accessed: 10 December 2020).
  • Moonen, J.J.M. 2016. Notes on Pachliopta species in South East Asia (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Entomologische berichten 76(1): 15-20.
  • Vane-Wright, R. I., and de Jong, R. 2003. The butterflies of Sulawesi: annotated checklist for a critical island fauna. Zoologische Verhandelingen 343: 1-267.
  • Vane-Wright, R.I. and de Jong, R. 2003. The butterflies of Sulawesi: annotated checklist for a critical island fauna. Zoologische Verhandelingen 343: 1-267.