Atrophaneura priapus (Boisduval, 1836)


Habitat: Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland,Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane,Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Dry
There is limited direct information regarding habitat and ecological characteristics of this species. The species has however been observed in habitats that are secondary forests (with tropical, rainforest-type vegetation), plantation forests (dominated by resin plants), and tourist areas, according to a 2015 study conducted across the Javanese region (Widhiono 2015).
(IUCN 2020)

Population: There is no information available on the population status and trends of this species.
Range: The species occurs in Indonesia (Java) (Collins and Morris 1985, Hancock 1988, J. Moonen pers. comm. 2019). Previous mentions of the species from southern Sumatra (e.g. Collins and Morris 1985) are likely to refer to Atrophaneura sycorax carolinae. The estimated extent of occurrence of this species is at least 56,770 km2 and could be as large as 183,000 km2.
(IUCN 2020)

Occurrence and observation maps

Map of Life


  • Collins, N.M. and Morris, M.G. 1985. Threatened Swallowtail Butterflies of the World. The IUCN Red Data Book. IUCN, Gland and Cambridge.
  • Hancock, D.L. 1988. A revised classification of the genus Atrophaneura Reakirt (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Australian Entomological Magazine 15(1): 7-16.
  • IUCN. 2020. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2020-3. Available at: (Accessed: 10 December 2020).
  • Widhiono, I. 2015. Diversity of butterflies in four different forest types in Mount Slamet, Central Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 16(2): 196-204.