Graphium agamemnon (Linnaeus, 1758)


Habitat: Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland
This butterfly inhabits dense primary rainforest. It is a relatively elusive butterfly that is less inclined to congregate on hilltops than other Euthalia species. It prefers shaded areas. They are fast flyers and very alert to movement. Males establish territories in small clearings, which they defend from elevated perches (Otsuka, 1988, Corbet and Pendlebury, 1992; Pinratana, 1996).
(IUCN, 2020)

Population: This butterfly is widespread but generally uncommon (IUCN, 2020).
Range: This species occurs from Myanmar, Thailand and peninsular Malaysia and Singapore, to Sumatra (Indonesia), Borneo, and the Philippines (Negros Island) (Otsuka, 1988; Corbet and Pendlebury, 1992; Pinratana, 1996). This gives a large EOO and although it is a primary forest species (which means the area of occupancy is smaller) it is still greater than the threshold for threatened species.
(IUCN, 2020)


Occurrence and observation maps

Map of Life


