Graphium macleayanum


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 36-37. Wingspan (mm): 56-57.
Forewings: Upperside dark brown, pale yellowish or pale green in basal third, yellowish or green spots at base of space 4, across end cell and between latter and apex; underside similar, paler along outer margin and towards apex Hindwings Crenulate, strongly extended into a tail at the end of vein 4; upperside, basal half pale yellowish or greenish, outer half dark brown with some very indistinct submarginal dots; underside basal half more definitely yellow or green, outer half paler than on upperside.


Subspecies and variation

Not much variation. In spite of its large range, no subspecies have been described.

Similar species



source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020