Graphium hicetaon


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 51. Wingspan (mm): 81.
Forewings: Upperside dark olive-brown, very pale ochreous spots, all rounded and separate, as follows: submarginal spots from space 3 upwards as tiny dots), complete series of median spots from hind margin to near apex, all about same width, few small, indistinct, linear spots in cell; underside paler brown and a bit mottled by grayish superscaling, spots as on Upperside, but submarginal spots more or less complete Hindwings Crenulate, at end of vein 4 not extended into a short tail; upperside dark olive-brown, paler towards base, no spots; underside brown, a bit mottled due to darker undefined spots in median area surrounded by some paler, red spots in spaces 2 and 3, red line from costa to radius near wing base, two larger dirty ochreous spots at bases of space 7 and 8.


Subspecies and variation

Little known. Subspecies have not been distinguished.

Similar species



source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020