Delias mandaya


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 38-42 (Yamamoto and Takei, 1982).
Antennae black, about 0.53 times as long as the length of forewing, with club long and slender. Eyes naked.
Thorax and abdomen black, clothed with sulphur-yellowish long hairs (on thorax and the base of abdomen) or covered with sulphur-yellow scales (on abdomen). (Yamamoto & Takei, 1982)Forewings: Upperside: Sulphur-yellow, with costal area black dusted with sulphur-yellow scales, and the apical black obliquely extending to the upper half of space M3 without any paler marking in it, but the apical black is dentate interiorly on each space from M1 to R4 and sagittate markings of spaces M3 and Cu1 and the oblique band on spaces M1 to R4 of the underside are obscurely able to see through; dorsum fringed with yellow hairs; cilia yellow mixing densely or sparsely with black ones, but they are entirely yellow on the underside. Costa arcuate basally and straight exteriorly, apex obtusely rounded, termen slightly arcuate and somewhat dented at Cell M3, tornus rounded and dersum straight.

Underside: Sulphur-yellow,becoming paler towards dorsum, blackon the basal three-fourths of cell, an oblique postdiscalband, sagittate postdiscal markings on spaces M3 and Cu1,distalmargin narrowly frornapex to near tornus, almost all veins except on A 1+2, and on costa entirely, but the blackareas are partially covered with yellow scales causing the parts densely covered with these scales seemingly olive-green; parts at the apex of cell extending along cross vein together with the basal parts of spaces R4, M1 and M2 forming a large yellow spot; oblique postdiscal band from bases of spaces M2-R4 narrowed and constricted at the base of space M1; black at the distal margin becoming obscure interiorly; parts exterior to postdiscal band and sagittate spots more strongly tinged with clean-yellow. (Yamamoto and Takei, 1982Hindwings Upper side: Entirely sulphur-yellow, with costal area paler and anal area paler and clothed with yellow semirecumbent hairs, but the marginal areas of veins 1a+b ubtill M3 more or less blackish; cilia yellow mixing black hairs on anal margin. Costa evenly rounded, apex obtusely angulate, termen straight at Cell M1 and M3 and slightly dented at Cell M3, tornus rounded, and the cell slightly longer than half the length of the wing.

underside: Black, covered with dense yellow scales causing the surface seemingly olive-green, with a narrow red stripe which is diffused with black scales and margined anteriorly along vein R4 with black along the anterior margin of space R4, a row of obscure submarginal lunulae of brighter scales from spaces Cu2 to R5, a small black patch on cross vein at the end of cell, and a small obscure blackspot at the interiorside of the submarginal lunulaof space 6,but the submarginal Iunulae are individually variable. (Yamamoto and Takei, 1982)

Forewing length (mm):
 36-43 (Yamamoto and Takei, 1982).  
Ground colour on both sides is mustard- or orange-yellow, deeper than that of the male; marginal black on the upperside of forewing, extending to the anterior half of the space Cu2, is more distinct; postdiscalband of forewing is rather distinct, with the sagittate markings on the space M3 and Cu1 extending along veins and connected with the marginal black; upperside of hindwing is darker with a distinct row of submarginal lunulae forming a zigzag band; veins from A1+2 to R4 of hindwing on the upperside are black in the exterior half; space Cu2 of the underside of forewing is diffused
densely or sparsely with black scales except for the exterior brightmarking; red stripe of the underside of hindwing is longer and extends to the end of space R4; wing contour of forewing is mere strongly rounded at the termen, but the costa is less strongly rounded basally,and that of hindwing is more strongly produced at the end of vein M1 and more strongly wavy at the termen. (Yamamoto and Takei, 1982)  

Subspecies and variation


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