Papilio chikae Igarishi, 1965


The fore wings: Male. Length forewing/wingspan 59-61/96-114 mm. Forewing, upperside black, very indistinctly speckled with green scales , indistinct dark greenish double internervular stripes; underside, internervular stripes more pronounced, in a broadening band from tornus to apex, basal 2/3 of wing finely speckled with green scales. H 

The hind wings:  Hindwing crenulate with long spatulate tail at end of vein 4; upperside black, minutely speckled with green scales, conspicuous red submarginal spots in spaces 1b to 7, in spaces 5-7 overshaded by violet lustre, between submarginal spots green scaling along veins 3 and 4, which may extend to the end of the tail; underside similar, slightle better speckled with green scales, no violet lustre in submarginal region of spaces 5-7. 

The body:  

Sex differences: Female. Similar.

Variation and infraspecific taxa: Little variation in the size of the submarginal spots on the hindwing and the intensity of the violet lustre. Only known from a small area in N Luzon and no geographic variation to be expected.

Similar species: No similar species.