Papilio oenomaus Godart, 1819


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 52-57. Wingspan (mm): 114-124.
Forewings: Upperside black, pale ochreous band of spots, from hind margin near tornus to apex, separated by dark veins and, from space 3 upwards, by a dark crossing line; underside similar, band more whitish. Hindwings crenulate, with broad, more or less spatulate, tail at end of vein 4; upperside unmarked black; underside black, dirty dark red submarginal crescents from space 1b to 7.

Forewing length (mm):
 70-71.  Wingspan (mm):111-116.
Forewing, upperside much paler than male, particularly in frontal area where all veins are clearly outlined in black, pale band paler than in male, spots intersected by black stripes in mid-space; underside similar. Hindwing, upperside black, inconspicuous, dirty red, submarginal lunules or lines, prominent ochreous band from mid costa to mid inner margin, crossed by dark veins. Large whitish patch in outer half of wing from space 1b to 5, enclosing dark brown elongated spots in spaces 1b to 4; underside similar, amy have some indistinct bluish dots in spaces 6 and 7, dark red patch in space 8 on both sides of precostal vein, which is outlined in black.  

Subspecies and variation

Restricted to the islands of Timor and Wetar (Lesser Sunda Islands). The population on Wetar has received the name ssp. subfasciatus.

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source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020