Papilio acheron Grose-Smith, 1887


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 58-60. Wingspan (mm): 98-101.
Forewings: Upperside black, veins in cell inconspicuously paler, very indistinct paler double stripes between the veins; underside similar, but internervular stripes more conspicuous. Hindwings Slightly crenulate, no tail; upperside black with indistinct powdering of blue scales in submarginal area; underside black, dark red patch in space 8 on both sides of the precostal vein, which is outlined in black, irregular ochreous spot in spaces 1b to 3, enclosing round black spot in space 2, vaguely defined blue submarginal lunules in spaces 5 to 7.

Forewing length (mm):
 66-69.  Wingspan (mm):112-114.
Similar to male, or outer 3/4 of forewing may be much paler, to pale brownish white, with veins strongly contrasting in black as do internervular stripes.  

Subspecies and variation

The species has a restricted range around Mt Kinabalu in Sabah and geographic variation appears improbable. The individual variation, however, can be considerable as described above.

Similar species

A particularly dark species that is not easily confused with other species.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020