Papilio hystaspes C. & R. Felder, 1862


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 52-64. Wingspan (mm): 101-119.
Forewings: Upperside black, very slightly paler between the veins in double streaks; underside black with veins of cell finely outlined in gray and double violet-grayish stripes between the veins. Hindwings Slightly crenulate, as upperside forewing, hardly discernible submarginal spots, very indistinct dirty orange coloring instead of median spots; underside similar.

Forewing length (mm):
 59-63.  Wingspan (mm):105-112.
Similar to male but on forewing pale outlining of veins of cell and double stripes between the veins more prominent, and on hindwing more red spots in tornal area and on underside, in addition to the tornal red spots there are submarginal lunules in spaces 3-7.  

Subspecies and variation

Although the species occurs throughout the Philippines, it has not developed special island forms and subspecies have not been distinguished.

Similar species

There are no other Papilio species in the Philippines with which this species could be confused.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020