Papilio tydeus C. & R. Felder, 1860


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 65-67. Wingspan (mm): 115-117.
Forewings: Upperside black, 4-5 pale green subapical spots; underside similar, spots white. Hindwings crenulate, no tail; upperside black with curved central pale green band that broades along front margin to wing base; underside black with band of orange U-shaped submarginal spots topped with diffuse blue spots.

Forewing length (mm):
 70.  Wingspan (mm):125.
Forewing, upperside creamy white, broadly dark brown along costa, outer margin and in apical part, veins heavily dark brown; underside similar. Hindwing crenulate, no tail; upperside basal half creamy white, outer half dark brown with large conspicuous orange submarginal spots (those in spaces 2 and 3 more or less U-shaped) and diffuse blue spots in spaces 1b-3; similar.  

Subspecies and variation

There is some geographical variation in the subapical band on the forewing of the male and the extent of the creamy white color on both wings in the female, and two subspecies are recognised: ssp. tydeus (Halmahera, Ternate, Bacan, Morotai) with a narrow subapical band on the forewing of the male and the extent of the light coloring in the female is less than in the other subspecies, and ssp. obiensis (Obi) with a broader band and more extensive light coloring.

Similar species

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source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020