Papilio agestor Gray, 1831


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 56-57. Wingspan (mm): 95-102.
Forewings: Upperside largely pale grayish with blackened veins, black margins an apical third, pale grayish narrow submarginal spots and larger median spots, the latter in space 6-9, particularly the one in space 6 enlarged en filling most of space; underside similar. Hindwings with very slightly crenulate margin, reddish brown, cell and basal parts of spaces 1b to 6 pale grayish, narrow submarginal spots; underside similar.

Similar to male  

Subspecies and variation

In the Malesian area only known from W Malaysia, where the nominate form occurs. No individual variation recorded. Outside Malaysia five more subspecies have been distinguished.

Similar species

Mimic of the supposedly poisonous Parantica sita (Nymphalidae: Danainae), that occurs over an even more extensive area and is also found in W Malaysia. Papilio agestor can easily be distinguished by the presence of a single anal vein in the hindwing instead of two.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020