Papilio clytia Linnaeus, 1758


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 46-51. Wingspan (mm): 74-83.
Forewings: Upperside dark brown with pale yellow or whitish spots, at most as follows: long streak along hind margin, submarginal median and basal spots in spaces 1b, 2 and 3, median and basal spot in space 4, submarginal and basal spot in spaces 5 and 6, median spot in space 7, submarginal (apical), median and basal spots in space 8, three spots over end cell (just separated by dark veins), long streak in cell; much variation in presence and extension of spots, in extreme cases wing completely dark brown; underside similar. Hindwings rounded, Slightly crenulate; upperside with at least submarginal and more or less arrow-like median spots (latter may extend to fill most of internervural spaces), cell may or may not be filled with pale yellow; underside similar, sometimes orange spots between the veins along outer margin.

Female  Wingspan (mm):up to 95.
Slightly larger, pattern similar to male.  

Subspecies and variation

Very much individual and geographical variation in extension of the pale yellow markings. Six subspecies have been recognised, five of which occur in the Malesian region. The two subspecies in the Philippines, ssp. palephates and ssp. panopinus, are special in the presence of three large subapical spots on the forewing, while moist other spots are much reduced or absent. In the nominate subspecies markings may vary from complete to largely absent.

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source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020