Ornithoptera rothschildi (Kenrick, 1911)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm):  .
Forewings: Upperside black, green along hind margin, unsharp and irregular green patch in spaces 1-3, and four green sweeps from top of cell to apex; underside as upperside, but more yellow tone in green areas.  Hindwings Hindwing, upperside golden yellow in cell and large parts of spaces 2 to 7; black along margin and in space 2; five rounded median spots in spaces 3 to 7 surrounded by green, large green area in space 2 and at apex of cell; underside as upperside, but more yellow.

Forewing length (mm):
 85-125.  Wingspan (mm):140-210.
Forewing, upperside brown to black with complete series of submarginal spots, median spots in spaces 1c, 2 and 3 (in 2 biggest), no spot in cell; underside similar. Hindwing, basal third blackish, rest of wing creamish increasingly dusted with brown to margin, broad black margin weakly contrasting with darkened creamish area, six rounded median spots halfway between cell and margin.  

Subspecies and variation


Similar species

Male and female are rather similar to O. chimaera and O. tithonus. Male of O. rothschildi recognizable by the less well defined green patches on the forewing and the higher number of median spots on the hindwing. Female of O. rothschildi lacks cell spot on forewing, present in O. chimaera and O. tithonus; in latter species, median spots on hindwing are further to the wing margin than in O. rothschildi.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020