Troides vandepolli Snellen, 1890


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 78-83. Wingspan (mm): 114-120.
Forewings: Upperside black, pale streaks on both sides of the veins in central outer half; underside similar, pale streaks more white. Hindwings Upperside black with large yellow field covering larger parts of spaces 3-7 and 2/3 of the cell, just penetrating space 2 not far from the hind margin, black marginal band very wavy, sometimes small submarginal spots in spaces 3 and 4; underside similar.

Forewing length (mm):
 90-94.  Wingspan (mm):140-154.
Forewing, upperside dark brown, solidly so in basal third, rest of wing with whitish along the veins in rest of wing may expande so strongly that from the outer margin large sharply pointed triangles penetrate the internervular spaces to almost their base; underside similar. Hindwing, upperside black in basal quarter, broadly black along outer margin in a strongly wavy band, and large more or less conical black spots in spaces 1b to 7, rest of wing yellow, intersected by black veins, may be more or less shaded brown in space 1b and neighboring area; underside similar.  

Subspecies and variation

The species is restricted to two areas, in W Java and N Sumatra. The populations differ slightly and are recognised as separate subspecies: ssp. vandepolli in Java and the darker ssp. honrathiana in Sumatra.

Similar species


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020