Troides riedeli Kirsch, 1885


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 73-75. Wingspan (mm): 122-124.
Forewings: Upperside black, vaguely pale along veins; underside forewing largely green and yellowish, with black veins, black along front margin, outer margin and hind margin, and a submarginal wavy black band. Hindwings Upperside black with large central yellow area from vein 2 to front margin, veins outlined in black, scalloped on outer side by extending along the veins; underside hindwing largely golden yellow, green along outer margin, yellowish green along inner margin, submarginal black spots larger than on upperside.

Forewing length (mm):
 87.  Wingspan (mm):136.
Upper forewing black with white area covering top of cell and bases of adjacent internervular cells extending along the black veins. Hindwing , uppersideas in male, but yellow area much reduced and with dark suffusion and with large rounded black median spots; underside hindwing similar, but yellow area has a greenish hue.  

Subspecies and variation


Similar species


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020