Troides plateni Staudinger, 1888


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 62-65. Wingspan (mm): 91-98.
Forewings: Upperside black with pale gray/ whitish stripes on both sides on the veins in outer half of wing; underside similar, but stripes much more strongly developed, also in upper part cellHindwings Upperside black with yellow patch in frontal quarter or third, covering most of space 7, a small part to most of space 6, and sometimes also penetrating the cell and space 5; underside largely yellow with black veins, inner and outer margin broadly black, or yellow may be reduced to spaces 6 and 7 only with some yellow powdering in the cell and bases of spaces 2-5.

Forewing length (mm):
 78-85.  Wingspan (mm):133-136.
Forewing, upperside black to dark brown, strongly developed whitish stripes on both sides on veins, also in the upper part of the cell. Underside similar. Hindwing, upperside black with basal yellow patch covering cell and bases od spaces 2-7, some indistinct yellow submarginal spots; underside similar.  

Subspecies and variation

The variation described above is individual. No geographic variation described for this species, that is restricted to the island of Palawan.

Similar species


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020