Lamproptera curius (Fabricius, 1787)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 19-22. Wingspan (mm): 29-32.
Forewings: Upperside and underside forewing blackish brown, in apical half a large transparent area, narrow near tornus, strongly widening to space 6, then narrowing again towards apex, dark margin narrow, much narrower than dark cross band from tornus to front margin; latter band towards wing base followed by whitish green cross band from mid hind margin to front margin, which again is followed by the blackish brown wing base; underside similar, greenish band rather whitish, ochreous scaling at wing baseHindwings Upperside hindwing blackish brown with a conspicuous green or whitish green band from front margin to tornus, narrowing and ending well before tornus; underside with ochreous scaling in basal part and in patches along inner margin to tornus.

Forewing length (mm):
 19-20.  Wingspan (mm):28-32.
Similar to male.

Subspecies and variation

Variation is limited , but still three subspecies are recognised, two of which occur in the Malesian area.

Similar species

See Lamproptera meges.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020