Troides amphrysus Cramer, 1779


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 89-96. Wingspan (mm): 147-152.
Forewings: Upperside pale brown to dark brown, yellowish gray to grayish white on both sides of the veins, particularly in apical half and in submarginal area, grayish white color may extend to cover most of the wing; underside xxxxx. Hindwings Upperside yellow in basal third to half, followed by large black spots which may unite to form a broad band, outwardly followed by yellow spots and a black, wavy outer margin; underside xxxxx.

Forewing length (mm):
 89-96.  Wingspan (mm):147-152.
Forewing, upperside pale brown to dark brown, yellowish gray to grayish white on both sides of the veins, particularly in apical half and in submarginal area, grayish white color may extend to cover most of the wing. Hindwing, upperside yellow in basal third to half, followed by large black spots which may unite to form a broad band, outwardly followed by yellow spots and a black, wavy outer margin  

Subspecies and variation

Strong variation, particularly in females, of the extension and color of the various wing markings; the variation is partly geographical and six subspecies have been recognised.

Similar species


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020