Atrophaneura semperi (C. & R. Felder, 1861)


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 65-71. Wingspan (mm): 113-117.
Forewings: Forewing upperside black, vaguely pale on both sides of veins; underside xxxxx??  Hindwings Hindwing outer margin crenulate, at end of vein 4 extending into a short tail; anal area enlarged; upperside black, whitish in anal fold along vein 2, or entire anal third of wing whitish; underside xxxxx??

Forewing length (mm):
 68-83.  Wingspan (mm):113-130.
Forewing upperside black to dark brown with weak to strong, pale brown to whitish streaks on both sides of the veins; streaks may grow into a series of elongate spots between the (black) veins 2-8; underside xxxxx?? Hindwing outer margin strongly crenulate at end of veins extending into short tails, longest at vein 4; upperside black with hardly noticeable submarginal markings, varying to strong pinkish submarginal and median markings; underside as upperside, but markings much more prominent, pinkish to brilliantly red

Subspecies and variation

There is much variation in color and development of the wing markings, particularly in the female, and although restricted to the Philippines seven subspecies have been distinguished.

Similar species

Not easily confused with other species. The strong crenulation of the hindwing of the female is unique in the genus.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020