Delias stresemanni


External characteristics


Forewings: The forewing upper side is creamy-white, with a black apex and costa. The forewing underside has a black-brown colouration with a strong metallic bronze glaze. At the end of the cell, there is a white spot, there are three yellow spots in the apex and there are three whitish small spots alond the termen (Pequin, 2021). Hindwings The hindwing upper side is creamy-white, with a narrow black edge. The hindwing underside has a black-brown colouration with a strong metallic bronze colouration, a orange costal band and terminal line of streaks. Further, the underside has a white spot at the apex of the cell and a whitish postmedian band (Pequin, 2021).

The females generally have a different underside wing surface than the males, by being darker with broader margins on both wings (D'Abrera, 1982). The forewing upper side is pale grey coloured on the basal area and further black-brown. The forewing underside is black-brown coloured with a metallic bronze colouration and the cellular areas are slightly powdered with yellow scales. There is a subterminal band of white oblong spots on the underside of the forewing. The hindwing upper side basal is two-third pale grey and the outer one-third is black-brown coloured. The hindwing underside has a strong metallic bronze colouration, with a white spot at the end of the cell. Further, the underside of the hindwing has a row subterminal golden-yellow spots (Pequin, 2021).  

Subspecies and variation

No subspecies. The females of D. stresemanni are extremely variable, with five named forms. Beside the typical form, females can have a complete absence of any band on the hindwind underside, a discal band with yellow or yellowish white colouration, the wing surface upper side can be buff-yellow, and the hindwing below the proximal area can be yellow or yellowish white (Pequin, 2021).

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