Graphium bathycles Zinken, 1831


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 36-40. Wingspan (mm): 53-57.
Forewings: Upperside black with pale greenish or bluish spots as follows: complete series of submarginal and median spots, some small spots in cell, median spots large and more or less confluent towards hind margin; underside similar, but brown instead of black, and spots whitish Hindwings Crenulate, no tail; upperside outer half black with conspicuous submarginal spots, large white spot at wing base from costa to cell, continued as greenish or bluish in cell, elongate greenish or bluish spot in space 2; underside rather dark brown than black, outer half dark with well developed submarginal spots and some irregular median spots, rest of wing mainly whitish, separated by a slightly curved dark line from wing base along vein 2 to tornus, a more strongly curved from costa, not far from wing base along cell to vein 5, and darkened vein of cell between origins of veins 2 and 3.


Subspecies and variation

Slight geographic variation in relative extension of light and dark areas; two subspecies are recognized.

Similar species

Not likely to be mistaken for another species. See also G. procles.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020