Delias carstensziana


External characteristics


Forewings: The forewing upper side is brown-ish black coloured and has an oval creamy-white patch occupying lower two-third of the cell. There are three creamy-white spots and a subapical spot. There are white spots on the termen at the end of the veins in both wings. The forewing underside has a bright orange coloured basal half and the outer half is brown-black coloured. There are three large yellow spots, two white with orange streaks subapical spots and a terminal white spot (Pequin, 2021). Hindwings The hindwing upper side has a brown-black coloured base, with grey scales and the subbasal three-quarters of the wing is creamy-white. The abdominal fold is golden-yellow. The hindwing underside is deep black-brown coloured and the basal one-third of the costa is broadly white edged with orange. There are two orange spots below the cell and two orange lines that run from the base to tornus along abdominal fold. Further, there is a submarginal band of white spots and a marginal row of yellow spots(Pequin, 2021).

Description not available (Pequin, 2021).  

Subspecies and variation

Three subspecies are described (Pequin, 2021).

Similar species

This species is similar to Delias gilliardi (Pequin, 2021).