Graphium arycles Boisduval, 1836


External characteristics

Forewing length (mm): 38-42. Wingspan (mm): 54-59.
Forewings: Upperside black or brown with ochreous or greenish spots as follows: complete series of submarginal and median spots, band of three spots near wing base from costa to hind margin, four spots in cell; underside similar Hindwings Crenulate, no tail; upperside black or brown with ochreous or greenish spots: small submarginal spots, median spots becoming larger towards costa, with large spot at costa, elongate spots in cell, space 2 and anal fold, and at costa near wing base; underside similar, but with red stripe in anal fold and red median spots in spaces 1c and 2.


Subspecies and variation

Slight geographic variation in color; three subspecies are recognized of which two occur in the Malaysian region.

Similar species

Not likely to be mistaken for another species, but see under G. agamemnon.


source: Jan Moonen, peronal communication 2020